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From Curriculum construction to teaching planning

Date: 1.3.1997-31.12.2001
Code: 84708
Department: Åbo Akademi University / Faculty of Education (PF), Dept. of Teacher Education
Address: Kyrkoesplanaden 11-13/ PB 311, FIN-65101 Vasa
Phone +358-6-3247 326
Fax +358-6-3247 302
E-mail shansen@abo.fi eller cwenestam@abo.fi
Project leader: PeD Sven-Erik Hansen, professor (1.3.1997-31.12.2001)
FD Claes-Göran Wenestam, professor (1.3.1997-31.12.2001)
Researchers: PeM Maj-Len Swanljung (1.1.1998-31.12.2001)
PeD Gunilla Eklund-Myrskog (1.3.1998-31.12.2001)
PeL Jan Sjöberg (1.3.1998-31.12.2001)
PeL Lars-Erik Malmberg (1.9.1998-31.12.2001)
PeD Rainer Nyberg (1.1.1998-31.12.2001)
Type of research: 2 (0=Within duty, 1=Ordered research, 2=Co-operation)
- basic research 50 %
- applied research 50 %
ÅA internal financing: FIM 50000
Man months: Totally: 46 months
Partners: Projektet är samnordiskt och leds av professor Stefan Hopmann från Pedagogisk Institutt, Norges teknisk-naturvetenskaplige universitet Trondheim.Projektets nordiska namn är Fra l replanutforming til undervisningsplanlegging.Projektet är också kopplat till ett vidare internationellt projekt som omfattar några kantoner i Schweiz och några förbundstater i Tyskland.
Keywords: läroplan, undervisningprogram, opetussuunnitelmat, opetusohjelmat, läroplan, beslutsprocess, curriculum, decision making process,

The aim of the comparative project is to - investigate what kind of societal structures and organizational pre-conditions are of importance in the development, the implementation and the use of curricula - investigate if there exist similarities in the selection of principles for the aims and organization of the educational system - investigate the curricular decisions making process on different levels and the motives guiding the actors and - investigate the relationship between decision making on different levels in order to find out the coordination of the curricular work.The project is part of an international project which links the development, the implementation and the concretization of curricula in the Nordic countries, Germany, and Schwitzerland.The co-ordinator for the Nordic part of the project is prof.Stefan Hopmann, University of Trondheim.Empirical data will be collected through questionnaires, interviews and documents.


27.3.1996 / 24.2.1998